Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Hi There, Welcome to One of my many Blogs!
If you don't know me, I hope you take some time to get to know me, " A Little Bit"... Trust me I know I am not easy yo get to know... I my story is getting longer everyday.... Not that I do a lot of interesting things to many... which is true...
And I will be honest my story is not what some would call a so called happy one and I am sure it won't have a happy ending to many... Life has not been kind or easy for me... But that is OK... Trust me!
I have never gotten anything for free, I have work hard to get where I am, where ever that is... which is no where really... OK part of me is right where I want to be... I am writing this... I love writing... There was a time in my Life when I feared I won't be able to write again. I have RA in my fingers and all my other bones, but CP's have allowed me to write again... Thank God!
I love being able to say what I want without being interrupted as much... Like when I had husband, children & pets, plus never end work.... Just to keep the bills off your back... This life is all about money, greed and cruelty and I am so tired of it "All".... beon words...
I didn't ask to be here... If someone asked, me if I would again? I would have to say no... Yes, I would have too pass... Because in my Life, the good has not out weighed the bad... nor has right always won, and there is no happy ever after in this Life...
I believe in God, but He doesn't has not cared for me much in this life. I know He has favorites that is for sure... it say so many times in the Bible. Hell, Lucifer was one of them... Hell, He is playing a game with him right now and we are His Pawns... But the game is fixed, He is the maker of rules and All and gets what He wants in the end....Thank God!
For now I say "Whatever", What can I say I didn't ask to be here... and I won't do it again, for nothing... no it wasn't worth it....
My Family is almost all passed on... My Father, all my Brothers & Sisters, my wonderful Aunts & Uncles, some my Dear Cousins, my youngest Daughter and way to many Friends... Plus my Beloved "Pets"! Many of my so called Family that lives for now couldn't less if I am a live or die, unless they get money... and those that live for today.... Many of my Friends care more foe me... Thank God for "Friends", they have helped me more then I can say, they have made this Life Bearable... Sometimes without even knowing what they are doing... I really can't Thank Them Enough!
Nov. 14, 2011
God, I hate it when someone rains on Parade... but I hate more when someone rains on someone else Parade more...I must confess I have rained on someone and will never forget how awful I felt...I do hope they for give me...